Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Drank the Kool-aid

Hmmmm......maybe that's not the best way to phrase it. The thing is when I decided to take on home-schooling it was a little late in the game, as in it was about 3 weeks until the start of the public school year, and I had to do a TON of research very fast!
It was quite crazy around here and I don't think that I even spoke to my family unless it related to curriculum choices! While I was doing my mad dash research the spelling program that kept coming up, over and over and over and over was the All About Spelling Program.

I confess that I gave it a quick look and thought that it would be too labor intensive (for me). I really just wanted a nice easy worksheet type curriculum for the kids. Easy!!

I found what I still believe is a good choice spelling for some kids (as in Ki). But it just wasn't working for my Lainie. Yes should could route memorize the words for the week but she wasn't really LEARNING if you know what I mean.

We needed something were we could start with the basics and really learn the sounds and the rules etc. And something with the option with moving on quickly once mastered.

I was back to researching and once again All About Spelling was EVERYWHERE. Finally, I grudgingly bought the program (grudgingly= whining and complaining the whole time I was putting in my credit card info).

The program came very quickly and really only took Bri and I about 30 min. while watching t.v. to get organized. And I have to say I am LOVING this program.

All About Spelling is super engaging, very user friendly, well written, well thought out and I am kinda kicking myself that I didn't just go for it before. Lainie is really going strong and I am confident that this will really help improve her spelling and over-all understanding of words.

So.......I drank the Kool-aid, and I liked it!

'til next time

Oh and for what it's worth, I was not compensated in ANY way for this post, unless you count the fact that I now need to go get blue Gatorade out of my carpet (note to self, don't ignore the 3 year old), because no one reads this blog at the moment!

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