Friday, January 14, 2011

National Delurker Day

I have no faith that I will get any comments or "hi, how are ya's" from any of my lurkers. I tried this a while ago and it was a big flop. But because today is that day and because the post I had planned about organization didn't get written and the post about Maximus and the toothpaste hasn't made it out of head (oh yeah, it's a good one), I will go with the National Delurking Day post.

Maybe I should bribe you all and say, if I can get even 5 comments, just 5, I will write the post tomorrow about Maximus and the toothpaste. I will even throw in a picture. Ok, how about this I will even go alllllll out and throw in the story about the Maximus and the door.

If I am being honest, I am going to write that post anyway. But the comments would be nice. :)

'til next time


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