I blame Facebook for my severe lack of posting. That and my new Blackberry that let's me check Facebook and upload to Facebook and comment on Facebook. I think that you get the point. Facebook provides me with easy communtication, less thought process and well the opportunity to play with my new phone. Facebook is quick as a snap! And of course it is easy to get lost in the applications, now I am not one for the so-and-so threw a banana split at you but I love me some Bejeweled Blitz and Farkle. I don't have to think about what to say, if I am being creative enough or interesting enough. If I have the right pictures downloaded off of the camera to write the post that is in my head. And by the way why does Blogger take so long to download pictures? Nope Facebook has made it easy for me to keep in touch AND be lazy. Two of my favorite things.
That is not to say that I don't love blogging I do, I do but with the summer craziness (you know ALL six kids home ALL the time) and my sad addiction to FACEBOOK I just am on a little bit of a hiatus. Hopefully when September comes and four of the six are in school full time it will be a bit easier to renew my blog posting. I have some ideas started and then left on the back burner that maybe I will resurrect. That said feel free to come find me on FACEBOOK because I can be found there posting profound things, such as, Going to get a pedicure and Must take a nap. Seriously do you want to miss that? I think not! So hit me with an email @ bjmiker@ gmail.com and we can be friends!
'til next time
See you on Facebook!